…our generation defines their self-worth by the amount of likes they receive on Instagram pictures”


…it’s become “lame” to be ridiculously ambitious and have big dreams; people have become self-conscious to speak about their passion”


…texting someone “let’s hang out” has become an acceptable way to ask someone out on a date instead of telling them face to face that they like them and would like to take them out.”


…it’s become normal for two people who once knew every single little detail about each other to now pass each other and not even say hello as if they are complete strangers.”


…it’s become “bee2a” or “balady” when someone only speaks or types in Arabic.”


…Egyptians have lost their patriotism and their sense of belonging to their home country and want to move away.”


…when a girl starts conversations with strangers just because she wants to meet new people and genuinely get to know them, she’s automatically instead viewed as having ulterior motives and as “shemal.”


…kids nowadays are always on their iPads and PlayStations and will never know the simple joy that comes from playing ostoghomeya or kahraba.”


…girls are always trying to adapt to how society tells they should look like. One second it was to be skinny and have a thigh gap, the next thing it’s to have a big booty and thick thighs, what’s next?”


…young adults are always posting pictures with their families with the caption “family first”. But in reality, they barely spend time with them and are out with their friends 24/7.”


…young adults do not have the ability to explore who they are or who are they are meant to become because they are limited by their parents and society’s norms as to what they are allowed to experience.”


…it’s those who do not smoke or drink or party that have become the odd ones out.”


…emotions have become synonymous with weakness. Everyone is always trying to be “hard” and a “badass” as if it’s shameful to have an emotional soft side.”


…there are people who love to read but are too ashamed to admit it to their friends fearing they’ll be viewed as nerdy or lame.”


…we are now living in a world with no shame.”